12 Church Parking Lot Problems
PDF FileTwelve parking lot problems your church will want to avoid.
16 Great Ways to Say Welcome!
PDF FileYou only get one chance to make a first impression! Here are 16 ideas to do just that!
A Visitor's Experience: Five Minutes Make All the Difference
PDF FileIn the first few minutes, your church can make a good or a bad impression on a first-time guest. Here's how to make a good impression.
Secret Guest Survey
PDF FileThis survey is to be used by someone you invite to be a "secret guest," much like businesses use a "secret shopper" to give feedback on how well your church is welcoming newcomers.
Six Ways To Follow-Up With First-Time Guests
PDF FileThese steps will help your church connect with new people and bring them back.
The Effective Guest Center
PDF FileHow to provide a guest center that will fully address all the questions and meet the needs of your first-time Sunday guests.
Top Ten Ways Churches Drive Away First-time Guests
PDF FileHere are the top ten ways churches turn first-time guests off or make them feel uncomfortable. Is your church doing any of these?
Touches, Touches, and More Touches
PDF FileEven members today need regular contact from their church to remain active participants in the life and ministry of the congregation.
What People Who Are New to Your Church Want You to Know
PDF FileWhat first-time guests to your church would like to find out about you.