This year's Tri-Area Young Lives Ablaze is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th, at Parkland Baptist Church in Clovis. Young Lives Ablaze is for elementary age children from our Tri-Area churches. The day will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude at 3 p.m.
Click HERE to download a copy of the schedule for the day.
The theme for this year's Young Lives Ablaze will be "Prayer Warriors." The goal is to teach kids to talk to God. The idea: prayer is a conversation with God. It is not about saying the right words; it's about speaking from your heart and then listening to what God has to say.
The speaker this year will be Lance Myers, Children's Pastor at Central Clovis. Cody Bilbrey, from FBC Elida, will lead the kids in singing, and Melissa Lamb will be responsible for the object lesson portion of the program. Amanda Kenyon, from FBC Tucumcari, will lead the Bible study time, while C.J. and Lexi Garrett, from Emmanuel Portales, will be responsible for the games and recreation time. Geralyn Boydstun, from Highland Clovis, will head up the team doing the decoration of the Parkland Fellowship Hall for the event.
Tri-Area is asking each participating church to contribute a suggested donation of $10 per child to help offset expenses for the event. Pizza will be served for lunch and every participant will get a Young Lives Ablaze t-shirt.
Participating groups need to register by Monday, March 24th, so we might know what t-shirt sizes to order and how much pizza we will need for lunch on the 12th. Any donations should be sent to Tri-Area by Wednesday, April 9th.
Click HERE to register your group for Young Lives Ablaze!